Monday, May 2, 2011


April  23, 2011

Since we had to pass the Dam to get to our campground we decided to go through the Dam before registering.

              First view of Lake Powell between the power lines             IMG_5081

               Lake Powell in the left middle distance.            Across Glen Canyon bridge is the visitor Center.

                                   We walked around outside to look at the Dam and River.

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              The down river side of Dam & Bridge.                    Rafts for float trips down the river.

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                      Hoyt noticed that the power towers were a different shape than we had seen before.

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                             Dinosaur Tracks                                                  Metal  Sculpture

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  Dinosaur bones have been found in the area.  Lake Powell is 186 miles long and 1,960 miles of shoreline.

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                       There were several long hallways and 2 elevators on the Center of the Dam tour.

                        Concrete bucket  held 24 tons                    Turntable Runner

                 On the Dam our Guide showed us the cement bucket and one of the original Turbine Runners.

               Rock bolts hold the walls to prevent spliting                        P1130938 

Rock Bolts help keep the Sandstone walls of the canyon in place.     Seepage Water from the canyon walls runs through pipes to the river.  They were covered with sand which blew until grass was planted on top of it.

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One of the Turbine Runners which generates the electricity was being worked on and pieces were all along the left hand side of the floor.   


                  Elevator down into the Dam                     IMG_5186

The elevator down into the Dam.   The picture on the right is looking up into the crack above the elevator doors, at the stairs to the top of the Dam.  We were glad we didn't have to climb them.  It was an interesting tour and the young woman who was our guide really knew the material and could answer all our questions.

                 Glen Canyon Dam viewpoint                     Two types of rock come together on the viewpoint path.

The next day we walked to a viewpoint down river to see the face of the Dam.  The trail had a rail most of the way as it was over rock and was quite rough but interesting the way the layers ran.

                 Rain puddles                             IMG_5281

                    It had rained so there were puddles.

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                                                    We were glad we had happened on this viewpoint.

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