Thursday, April 28, 2011

Continuing towards Lake Powell,AZ

April 22 & 23, 2011  Friday & Saturday

As we traveled North we enjoyed the scenery.

         Palo Verde in bloom                           IMG_4937

     The Palo Verde trees were blooming  and we passed an area with many Saguaro Cactus.  None were blooming yet although some were budding.

         IMG_4945                           Steep

                                                                                                We hit some steep roads.

         IMG_4960                            IMG_4981

         IMG_4979                            Sunset Point Rest Ar

               Sunset was the nicest Rest Area we have ever been in.  It was exceptionally well maintained.

                It is always busy and has a large crew working there.

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               There are helpful information boards.        Arizona has closed some Rest Areas to save money.

         IMG_5023                               IMG_5025

                         The vegetation changed from Cactus to Evergreens as we continued.

We spent the night in a Flagstaff Wal Mart parking lot.   There were a number of others camping there.

          A go anywhere RV                               IMG_5036

What looked like a  go anywhere RV, pickup camper, small trailer, fifth wheel as well as larger RV's like ours.  In the morning we were able to help a disabled woman roll up the awning  on a rented RV that had partly unrolled as they traveled.  Hoyt was her Hero!

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           IMG_5045                              IMG_5061

           IMG_5072                              IMG_5076  In the afternoon we arrived at Page, AZ the town that came into being in 1957 when Glen Canyon Dam was being built.

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