Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer in Washington State

We made a short but enjoyable stop in Oregon where we visited relatives near Albany, and both Hoyt and I had dental work done. 

We visited Thompson's Flouring Mills which had a  tour led by an experienced and knowledgeable  guide.

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There were all kinds of old equipment and samples of product packaging.  We all thought it well worth a visit.

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For most of the summer we parked in the back yard of our younger son Chad. When we sold our house in West Seattle Chad bought a place in Des Moines, WA  south of Seattle Tacoma International Airport and just a few blocks from Highline Community College. 

We thought at first we wouldn't be able to get up the driveway because it is so steep.  We made it but with only an inch between the hitch and the pavement.  Than there was a tight squeeze past the chimney and gate posts to park, but Hoyt is an expert at backing our 40 ft Diplomat. 

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One of the projects we helped Chad with was replacing the gate to the back yard...     It turned out great!

The guys used a metal frame kit which made it simple to level and it opens and shuts easily. They also did some fence repair and replaced a bar sink with a regular kitchen sink in the basement. 

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Chad had some trees cut down and we moved quite a bit of wood he had split to get it where he decided it needed to be.  There were still some stumps that needed to be removed.  One needed the van to pull it out.

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The stump needed to come out so a shed could be built.... All six of us did the painting on the shed.

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Our daughter Cindy spent several weeks at Chad's and her daughter Lindsey and partner came for a few days.  The garden produced some good eating.

Cindy helped out with the projects around the place and also bought an old yellow school bus to use in the work she does with RAVS (Rural Area Veterinary Service).  She did a great job repainting it with tractor paint.  I did a little painting on it also but was mostly busy with sorting things for the shed.

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I  did  some water aerobics and rode my bicycle a little.   I also  did some quilting for a battered women's shelter, and  a cancer program and joined the church women at a couple of their monthly sewing meetings.

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We enjoyed spending time with friends and relatives, including our 15 year old granddaughter Kim who stayed with us most of the summer.   Kim and I went to the intergenerational Vacation Bible School at Tibbetts United Methodist Church in West Seattle.  Tibbetts is celebrating their 100th anniversary this year.  We joined in 1961.

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One of the things we did just for fun was go to Omak, WA where my younger sister Shirley lives.

We  got to have some sister time since my older sister Bev went over also.  A highlight was floating the River.

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                   Shirley       Bernice       Beverly                        We had so much fun we did it twice!

Because we happened to be staying at the Omak Stampede Campground at the right time we were able to watch the horses and riders practice for the Suicide race for the coming Stampede.  There were both experienced and inexperienced horses and riders.  It was interesting to watch some of the riders introduce their horses to the hill before riding down.

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             We were there to tour the new stands and found the best view of the Suicide Race Hill  ...

                    My niece's husband Tom (in the red) and his group played for the celebration.


Our older son Chris (Kim's Dad) and his wife Denise are buying a house in Kent, WA and we were able to see it before we left the area.  They will have a lot more space than they had in their apartment  in West Seattle.

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Because we were so busy with projects, including emptying our storage unit and moving things from Chad's basement to the new shed, and were to tired to cook (a good excuse) we ate out a lot.  

Towards the end of August we left for Eastern Washington to attend Bernice's 50th High School reunion.  We camped at the Omak Stampede Campground again and spent time with sister Shirley and Aunt Elizabeth who both live in Omak.  Bernice graduated from Okanogan High School in 1959.  There was a good turn out and it was fun seeing friends again.  Some came who hadn't been to a reunion for years.

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Hoyt took this picture where we all are gazing skyward.  The photographer was on top of the 2 story Hotel and it turned out real nice as we can  see everyone's face.   Below Bernice 5' and Dale 6'7"... he makes me feel short.


                                                  The SHORT and the TALL  of our class

Heading for Glacier National Park to meet our full timing friends Ron and Anita we were forced to make a stop in Spokane to have our motor home radiator repaired.  We just found out today that a new one will have to be built.  Not the best way to start the new month of September, but we are parked at Washington Auto Carriage who took the radiator out. They have kindly plugged us into 30amps which is good because the temperature is in the 90's.  Our Monaco Diplomat is at the far left in the picture below.


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