Thursday, September 3, 2009



We started September in Spokane at Washington Auto Carriage waiting to have our Motor Home radiator repaired.  As we prepared to leave the campground in Omak Hoyt noticed a leak in the radiator.  He watched it closely on the drive to Spokane on Sunday. 

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We were able to park in front of the shop door and plug into 30 amp power which was great as we were able  to run our air conditioner. The temperature was in the 80's and 90's.   Our motor home above at left....

Monday afternoon they started taking the radiator out and Tuesday sent it to a Radiator repair place. They weren't able to repair it so had a new one built and Wednesday delivered it late in the day.  The installer couldn't put it in because the drain was on the top and the brackets were in the wrong place.  So it had to go back to be reworked.  It did get back and installed in time to leave town by 5pm.  It cost lots!

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While there we did laundry, walked a little, went shopping and even went to the Pig Out In The Park......

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                                             Riverfront Park was a nice place to be on a hot day.

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                                                                                                   I was is proof!

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                             And here is Hoyt!                                    The huckleberry shakes were exceptional!

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                                                    There were also  some arts and crafts booths.


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                                Kids enjoyed getting wet and there was a neat Radio Flyer slide.

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                                                    The water and flowers at the park were lovely.

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                             I particularly enjoyed the runners we spotted at one corner of the park! 

When we left town we only went 25 miles to a Rest Area where we spent the night on our way to meet our friends in Glacier National Park.  We were glad to be on our way once again.

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