Wednesday, September 16, 2009


September 14 & 15, 2009

We took our Motor Home into the Cummins dealer to have the fuel leak looked at.

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                  They found the leak but the part didn't come  so  we continued to drive it as it was.

       We took The Front Runner, a commuter train , into town where we went to Temple Square.  Even in the rain it was a nice ride.

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   Temple Square is the headquarters of The Church of Latter Day Saints, also known as  Morman.  It is a 10 acre site located in the middle of Salt Lake City, UT.



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                   We went to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building where genealogy research begins.


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                                                                                                        Family Search Center


                                        Temple Square Courtyard had statues and beautiful flowers.

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                                                   There were even flowers on the walls.               

The Temple building dominates the square.  It is beautiful but only church members are allowed to enter it so we only saw the outside. 



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We did go inside the doomed tabernacle with a beautiful organ and terrific  acoustics.  From the back,even without a microphone,  you can hear a pin that is dropped up front. We were there on a day when no one was playing the organ and no choir was singing so didn't have that treat.

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                               The Organ                                                           The Ceiling of the dome

                                                                   Convention Center seats 21,000

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                                      On the Roof Top is a 4 acre garden with plants and fountains.

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                            The North Visitors' Center had pictures depicting the life of Christ Jesus.

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         A spiral walkway leads up to the top floor where there is an 11 ft  statue  of Christ, Christus, with a painting of the universe surrounding it.


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                                         We ate lunch at one of the restaurants in the Square.

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       The 1882 Assembly Hall with beautiful stained glass windows is as impressive as the Temple in its own way.


                     We came back the next two days to do more ancestor research at the Family History Library. 

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                                                                                                             We ate at a Taco stand.


                      It took us a day to learn how to buy our tickets at reduced Senior prices. We rode it 3 days.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

SALT LAKE CITY AREA -Antelope Island

September 13,2009

Great Salt Lake is about 75miles long by 30 miles wide. It is the largest  natural lake west of the Mississippi River.  It has 8 major islands, of which Antelope Island is the largest.  Antelope Island is 15 miles long by 4.5 miles wide and is reached by a causeway from the mainland.  Visitors go to the Island to see the Bison and Antelope herds, to visit the historical farm and for its beaches.



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                            Antelope Island                                                 Antelope Island Visitor Center...


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Because of drought in recent years the level of the Lake was down - the lowest it has been since the 60's.  We took our swimsuits along but when we found a place where we could get down to the water the stench was BAD.   Algae causes the smell and there were swarms of  brine flies feeding on it adding to our dislike of being there.

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                                 Click on picture below for more pictures of Antelope Island..
